Thursday, March 6

What is a domain template?

A domain template is a jar file default one is wls.jar file.
which is'/bea/weblogic10.3/common/templates/domains/.
it has all the features that is required for the standard weblogic domain. we can even create domain template of our own configuration. by this template we don't have to configure every time we create a new domain.
By using template we can:
1) Create servers.
2) Clusters.
3) Machines.
4) Configure services such as JMS, JDBC, Applications


  1. How we can 1) Create servers.
    2) Clusters.
    3) Machines.
    4) Configure services such as JMS, JDBC, Applications

  2. How we can 1) Create servers.
    2) Clusters.
    3) Machines.
    4) Configure services such as JMS, JDBC, Applications

  3. http:localhost:7001/console
    start the weblogic console in that console select the servers then in configuration mode u can create the servers
    and also same procees the clusters and do in console mode

  4. http:localhost:7001/console
    start the weblogic console in that console select the servers then in configuration mode u can create the servers
    and also same procees the clusters and do in console mode
